Friday, October 21, 2011

God vs Culture.....

My kids told me yesterday as we were driving that the air smells like Christmas. Did you know the air can smell like Christmas? Well I have news for you IT DOES!!!!!! According to my kids anyway....I love how kids think sometimes. So now, the air smells like Christmas and, my house has for a while, I guess it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and smell like it too....There are 65 days until the Greatest Birthday EVER!!!!!

I was wondering what to write (like that is new) and now I know, I saw a picture on FaceBook and it was making fun of a culture so, me being naive like I am said, if it is making fun of something that is important to that group of people, how can we lead them to Jesus? I was then told (by people who are of that culture)  that I have to understand the culture to understand the "joke" for lack of a better way to say it. So I am ok with that, I can laugh at myself I am a quirky kind of person....I celebrate Christmas ALL YEAR and I have been called nuts, insane, crazy, you name it I have been called it. I am ok with that too because, I am ok with me (for the most part). I was also told that there must be something in my culture that I laugh at and I am not sure there is. As Beth Moore says we live in a Babylon culture we need to learn to be culturally relevant with out being spiritually irrelevant. Our lives are surrounded by an all about me, I don't care about you culture, I find nothing funny with that. In Philippians 2:3-4 says Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. (NKJ) I can tell you in this dog eat dog world there are not many that do this. Romans 12:2 says And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (NKJ) it goes on to talk about abhorring evil and clinging to what is good (Paraphrasing here). God does not want us to enjoy the bad things that seem to tempt so many, He wants us to stay away from them. My question is this...then why do so many people cling to evil and abhor good? Why do people get a rush from doing bad things? Because satan is urging them on and making it ok when it is not. I think that if God had not promised to never flood the earth like He did when Noah was around, we may have had to build another Ark or two or..... Culture is culture and God is God I may not understand one and I am learning the other. What some believers may find funny I choose not to, that does not mean they are wrong to laugh, it just means they are culturally relevant without being Spiritually irrelevant and that is way cool.....

That's my though for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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