Sunday, October 2, 2011

~Dear God~

Dear God~

Everyday of my life I look to you, I pray for my family and friends and the unsaved. I am walking without seeing where I am going, I feel blind in this world and unsure of what I am supposed to be doing. There are times I feel like Job where it seems everything is going wrong in my life.Yes I yell and scream and ask you why and sometimes, I get only quiet in return. I complain about my life to my friends or anyone that will listen and at times I question if you are real. There are times in my life I feel like no one cares and I am the only one going through this trial....BUT, with all of this I do realize a few things too. When I walk without seeing and being blind...I am walking by faith, I am walking with the understanding and belief you are leading me and there is NOTHING you don't see. When I am feeling like Job well those are the times I am learning lessons in my life that I am in need of learning. One thing I do know is are NEVER far from me. When I yell and ask why...well I know that You being the ultimate patient parent EVER, are allowing me my temper tantrum and, as I do with my kids....I am sure you are saying when you are calm feel free to come talk to me..(gotta LOVE...Love and Logic). Let us not forget, that when I complain about my life, I understand that I am being selfish because, You gave Jesus to die for me, He gave His life for me and well, if anyone has the right to would be Him and...He didn't.....( He did ask You to take the cup from Him but, He also said not my will but, Your will... Mark 14:36 I paraphrased here) Are You real??? All I have to do is look around to know that there is NOTHING in this world that could create the beauty of it other than YOU! How about all those times when I feel like no one cares? or I am the only one going through this trial? Well....You care about me and You send people to me that I need to meet. Some lifelong friendships have developed from that and most importantly YOU are there ALWAYS!!! As for he trials, everyone has them, I know there are some so much worse than mine. I also know that with You walking with me, I can get through them. With that all being said I say this Father forgive me for my doubt, unbelief  and sin help me to see your grace, mercy and joy. Lead me on the path you choose for me in this life. When I start to stray please give me the gentle reminder or the 2X4 if needed to get me back on track. My life is NEVER as hard as it seems I believe that is just me adding a tad bit of drama to make it more interesting...Thank You for loving me ALWAYS!!!!

Loving You forever,

The sinner that was saved by Grace

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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