Monday, October 3, 2011

Do you really see what you read?

How often do we sit down and really read our Bible? Not to read for reading it sake but, actually take in what it is saying. I admit I do not read everyday and I know I should. However today I was reading Psalms and realized something, I was not taking in what I was reading. I admit I was looking for something to write about because in my prayers Psalms came to me. I am not saying that is how I read my Bible every time, I actually have gone back and reread a passage several times to make sure I understood it. Since I started this blog I have been in my Bible more, doing more in depth reading to find scriptures to quote on here. What I have been finding I am fascinated with. I am enjoying the promises and the encouragement in passages I have read before but, I am seeing for the first time. I have been saved for 32 years (that is most of my life) I have been really close to God and then, not so close it has been in the last 7 or 8 years that I have started my journey to get back in touch with God. I may have stopped going to Church and I did not pray a whole lot and I never read my Bible during that time, I must say it has been a struggle to climb my way back to Him. I have lived in this area for 9 1/2 years and it was only about 4 years ago (I think....oops, I am thinking again) that I found the Church that really FEEDS my spirit. I look back and see the rocky roads I have traveled, there were definitely some doozys. Now I look at where I am and I have bumps, some pretty big ones at times but, nothing like the axle breaking, tire popping, whiplash causing road I was on. I am thankful for God, He is loving, kind, gentle, forgiving, firm, and full of compassion. What amazes me is, we can do some horrible things as humans, sinners, God's creation that would make anyone cringe at the sight of us and yet, God embraces us, teaches us and guides us to the right path. I believe He allows trials to happen we do have lessons we need to learn, it does not mean God hates us or turns away from us. No, He watches us and sends out His army of Angels to help fight. In all of my years especially the ones where I really was not where I should be with God, I NEVER forgot Him or how I believed, I just did not follow Him like I should have but, God watched me and guided me home.

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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