Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Distractions Distractions......

My mind is blank today.....sometimes I wake up with words running rampant in my head and other times I have to start out like I did today and the words come. Today I am not so sure what will happen I have so many distractions swirling around it makes it kind of hard to concentrate. Distractions...they take away from the important things in life and we tend to think (at least I do) oh, I forgot that!!! Oh well I will get to it later and it NEVER gets done. In this crazy, mixed up, distractable world we live in I am thinking that sometimes we let distractions organize our lives and we end up more a mess than when we started. I believe if we step back and let God organize our lives we will then have more prioritized lives. Some people like disorder or thrive off of it. I do not like it but, I am not the most organized person around I can tell you, if something is where it is supposed to be I can find it even if the junk drawer is piled high with...junk. Organized people still get distracted especially if they are going through something in their lives that turns their world upside down and makes them discombobulated. God can take your distractions away, He can help you focus on Him and He will distract you from your distractions....I do not know about you but, God is one distraction I welcome in my life. With God as your distraction the things the world throws at you will not sting as much...they will sting because we are humans with a sinner nature but, God will be right there to take those stings for you only if you let Him. My challenge to you..... let go of life's distractions that turn you inside out and let God distract you, and see how you feel then, I am guessing it may just feel a bit like peace......

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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