Thursday, October 13, 2011

God has a sense of humor.....

I had a blow looks like God is in the mood to test my faith. The other day I wanted to write about being specific in praying because God has a sense of humor but I didn't. Today I am...I am going to take you back in time to what seems a long time ago but in reality it has only been about 5 years. We lived in a house that we thought we were buying in fact the people did not own the house at all and stopped making payments and the real owner took over possession of the house. Bottom line we had to get out no choice about it. We wanted to buy so we tried and almost did but, that is when the economy took a dive and we couldn't all of our money had gone to inspections, appraisals and getting ready to move into this house we were told was ours only to have it take so long that it got taken away we were looking at seriously being homeless not a good place to be. I prayed to God I told him what our need was and I thought I was being specific I said my dream  home is a home that has walls facing North South East and West with a roof that does not leak NEVER in my wildest dreams did I expect what happened next. My husband said...........what about a travel trailer? I said WHAT??? NO WAY!!! He then said it is better than nothing. so we tried and succeeded in getting the trailer. God provided a home with walls that face North, South, East and West and the roof did not leak, and an added bonus it had WHEELS!!!! I seriously said HAHA God very funny. Less than 300 square feet for 4 people and 2 cats...everyone tripping over everyone else...all of our belongings in storage (which 95% got ruined there and had to be tossed). We lived in the Dreaded Dream house for almost 4 years during that time I struggled and fought and was depressed gained a ton of weight and was down right miserable. A year and a half ago God presented a house for us, one we could afford, the Landlady is super nice and we could have our cats. so we moved in, I was in the accident and today a year and a half later we are looking at having to move again due to a situation beyond our control. I lost my job we do not have any "moving" money and I am looking at having to live in the dream house on wheels.....Honestly I DON'T WANT TO! God has a plan I know He does I have to trust Him and Pray and keep my faith strong. God will lead us where we are to go and provide what needs to be provided....I have had what I feel is more than my fair share of stress and tears and and and I could keep going but, I won't....I read a quote today that I am at this time going to make my motto it says "Every evening I turn my worries over to God. He's going to be up all night anyway" ~Mary C. Crowley
So with God's great sense of humor and unique way of teaching us lessons we move forward and a piece of advice for you and myself too.....Be very SPECIFIC when praying because God will answer just maybe not quite the way we expect Him to.....God loves us very much and He knows what He is doing, I am glad He does because I am we respond to situations will determine how we learn our lessons (just my opinion here) God just wants to teach us He does not want to hurt us. That's what satan does he comes to steal, kill and destroy and try to get us to turn from God and we can't let that happen.

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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