Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Who am I?

I live in Oregon I like living here (for the most part) and I have lived here my entire life. In my part of the state we do not really see the four different seasons really just two...Rain or Rain...ok it is not that bad but, we do get a lot of rain here. Our Summer starts when school does or so it seems and lasts a couple of weeks then we see Fall. The days get shorter the leaves turn colors and start to fall it is so pretty....even with the rain. Soon we see what is supposed to be Winter (we do not get much snow on the west side of the Cascades)  my favorite time of year because, the leaves are gone and everything is bare, naked and striped of it's protective covering. Have you looked at a tree with no leaves? I mean really looked at it? The branches twist, turn and curl in so many directions that it creates a magnificent work of art just standing there. No tree is the same everyone of them is different and unique. In the Spring when the leaves grow it takes on a whole new look and with it's new shape it is transformed into something so awe inspiring it gives me a new appreciation of the beauty surrounding me. People are the same way, we are all different. If striped of everything to show who we really are including our many imperfections then, we could show who God made us to be. With all of the things swirling around us, we think our image is important and we cover ourselves and, hide at times who we really are. We make ourselves into something so different that we lose touch with who God made us to be. With God we can have a makeover, starting from our striped down form God can transform our lives into something so beautiful, we wont need to cover anything up because, we are made in God's image and God does not make mistakes. I am a work in progress and I always will be. God will always mold me and shape me into who He wants me to be. I should not want to cover up who I am, when the perfect Creator made me who I am. Let God do an extreme makeover on your life and I bet you will love what you see....God does.

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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