Monday, September 26, 2011

Change how do I.....

I am seriously sitting here with a blank mind....well ok not blank because, I am thinking, I cant think of anything to write. So the question that comes to my mind is how am I going to fill my screen with words and not sit staring mesmerized by the blinking cursor?....Then it hits me....WooHoo I have something to say but, where do I start? Well I guess I can start here....No one likes changes....pure and simple. I know I fight changes even at times the ones I ask God to do, because change is uncomfortable. We get ourselves to where we are in a comfort zone that we tend go with our flow and when something interrupts that flow well, we get a tad...discombobulated. Changes need to happen so we can grow and mature in God. If we stay the same we would go no where in life, in relationships or in our growth with God. From where I am sitting I can tell you there are changes happening all over some we are going to like and, some we are going to very much DISlike. Like I said change is uncomfortable but, it is necessary we have to be willing to let God change our hearts so our lives will be productive in what God has planned for us. If change were easy I think (there I go thinking again) life would be dull. I mean it is not like changing our socks....hey I am need of a change could you please grab some out of the closet for me? The way we change well, sinner nature can be a doozy. If we decide to go in the opposite direction God wants then, the changes He wants take that much longer but, when we turn around and start to head in the right direction we will go with new lessons learned. When we change we learn, when we learn we grow and when we grow....we blossom into something beautiful.

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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