Saturday, September 10, 2011

Who's Birthday is it?

Hello I am writing this after only 3 1/2 hours of sleep lets see what I can come up with today......I find that when I say how many days until Christmas most people groan...(By the way there is 106 days until The GREATEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!) and if you need to know what it means exactly here you go...Websters Dictionary says groan means (1) to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief or annoyance. Since I am sure it is the last of the three that makes people groan it brings a question to my mind. Do people (and I do mean PEOPLE as in everyone including believers) immediately think of spending money, the dinner and stress BEFORE Jesus when they hear Christmas? If so WHY???? Yes there was a St. Nicholas a long time ago that helped people who needed it but, he was NOT why we have Christmas.....Jesus is. When I think of Christmas I think of the most precious gift anyone could give why groan when you hear a reference to it...(or in my case I tell you how many days are left). I love Christmas...I LOVE looking at the lights and decorations and oh boy when the store gets it all set up I just get giddy!!!!! really I do!! BUT, (and that is a big one) I always keep in mind why we have it. Yes I shop for Christmas.....all year long so it is not a stress fest and I LOVE black Friday. My decor includes (if I am correct) about 6 nativity scenes and 3 are up year round. I tell my kids the real reason we have Christmas the birth of Jesus. I do add some fun to it too, with a Christmas key that we hang outside by the front door since we do not have a chimney for a certain someone to get in and leave gifts (all wrapped in different paper) and he leaves (actually me) the key on the tree where the kids will totally see it. I have no problem with that as long as they know that it is JESUS not Santa that makes Christmas what it is. The ENTIRE spirit surrounding Christmas the love, joy, peace, kindness, giving of one self and just giving, thinking of others, and even helping people out.....should be something we do everyday not just a week or two. We celebrate Jesus everyday and tell the world about Him (at least we are supposed to) so my question to you is WHY??? Why do people groan when they hear Christmas??? Well maybe they are not celebrating Christmas because of Christ.....Christ is (or should be) the center of Christmas just like He should be the center of your life all year long....

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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