Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lessons in disguise...

I am working on fundraising for a Relay for Life team I am co-captain of and, I have been trying to see if I can get a Christian artist to come and do a benefit concert. As a team (and any one of us personally) there is NO money to pay this person or group for their time. What I am running across is, Artists, Christian or otherwise seem to be UNtouchable! I understand they have busy schedules and probably TONS of people asking the same thing of them. I imagine it is a bit overwhelming  for them so, I get the "NO" (I promise I am getting to the point). However Jesus was TOUCHABLE!!! yes, He went places to get away but, He still let people get close to Him. We as believers (my opinion here) should be the same way, Famous or Not! We represent Christ to others but, our actions will show them whether or not we are truly representing Him or just doing it for show. Our intentions may be good but, it only takes one brush off to make someone not want to seek God. I am sure  (again its confession time) I am guilty of that myself. I know sometimes we are busy, tired, frustrated  and down right not in the mood but, we are God's Customer Service Reps. We need to serve with a smile and show them God and His love for them, even if we don't want to (now we still need to take time for us so God can feed our spirits). I want to be the best CSR for God I can be so, I have to look at myself and ask am I untouchable? or, can people get close enough to me to see God's light shining through? In all of this as frustrating as it has been, I have found a lesson in disguise. I learned that as a believer I need to show myself as who I am and allow people to touch me. The woman who touched Jesus's robe she thought, if I could only touch it I will be healed (paraphrasing here). Jesus felt it, He knew someone had touched Him. I am not saying I can heal people but, I want to be touchable like Jesus was. I value the lessons God has taught me (and at times He has to reteach me). I want to continue to learn and grow so I can teach others about Him. So I leave you with this question...Are you Touchable or UNtouchable?

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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