Thursday, September 15, 2011

Take the blindfold off...

I see a blank page before me and I am unsure of how to fill it with words. I have so many thoughts running through my brain I can not seem to just pick one. I seriously feel like a tug of war is happening with in my cranium. It keeps building and building until something is gonna give, and maybe the words will start to flow. I feel that way in my life sometimes, where I have my moments when I am stalled in life, in faith, in trust and it keeps pulling me in circles. I am pulling back and the tugs are getting stronger until something breaks. Either me, or the rope either way, I usually end up flying through the air and it hits me, my tears fall and I scream and yell and shout and praise Gods name all at the same time. As I am flying I do not consider where I am gonna land, I could land in a brier patch and have to struggle to get out but, usually when the dam breaks I land in the arms of God. He carries me through what ever I need Him to. In big decisions or small I know in the end I can trust God to help me through it. Trusting God on things you can not see the outcome to is kinda like having a blind fold on and trusting people to guide you through an obstacle course with out running into things (which usually does happen) but, you trust your friends to do that so why not trust God to help you? It is easy to hear the voices of your friends but you have to listen a little more to hear Gods voice in His guidance. I will be honest trust is hard for me to do, when it comes to trusting God I struggle and fight and I get in that tug of war with God. My will against His and I ALWAYS end up in the mud but, as I continue to grow and walk with Him I am learning more and more when to give my will up for His. As sinners we want what we want and when we don't always get it we throw fits and stomp our feet but, in the end it is just so simple. I AM A SINNER!!!! but, my God FORGIVES....when trust is an issue remember, God will wait, and wait and...ok you get it until we can trust. It just might happen a little sooner if, the trust you have in your friends to guide you blindfolded you would place in God.....

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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