Thursday, September 29, 2011

to trick or treat...or not

Last night I was driving to go pick my kids up from the youth program they were at and I saw....I am so excited...I saw a house with CHRISTMAS lights on. It made me so giddy and if I had not been driving I just may have done a little happy dance. With halloween coming, people are starting to put up decorations and get ready for the spooky night. I used to but, a few years ago I was looking at decorations in a store and a spirit of unease settled on me, that was when I decided maybe decorating for halloween is not a good idea. When we moved I tossed all of my halloween things and replaced them with fall decorations. Now we still carve pumpkins and I take my kids out and, maybe I shouldn't. This year however I am taking them to a Church party for their fun. It made me smile to see Christmas lights on this early, my lights go up on halloween but, this year they just may go up on Sunday and I just may light them on halloween. It is important to keep God first in our lives even for the seemingly innocent things like the night of trick or treats. Honestly God is not in that night what so ever (my opinion here) so why celebrate it? The Church I grew up in did Harvest parties that was fun they had a potluck and everyone dressed up, there were games for the kids it was safe and God was there. As an example to my kids I need to walk the way God wants me to so they can see it. I am responsible to show them what God wants and what He does not want, and if it does not line up with the Bible then I need to guide them away. When they become adults I will have no control but, with the guidance I gave to them as kids maybe they will know which direction to go. So as far as halloween is concerned MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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