Monday, September 5, 2011

Do you have kids JUST LIKE YOU???

~Warning~ tee hee what I am about to say is NOT intended to offend any Grandparents it offended my mom at one point in time.

As a kid did you ever hear "I hope you have kids JUST LIKE YOU"? I did over and over and well you get the picture. Well do you have kids just like you? It's the Grandparents fault yep, I believe that firmly. They curse us with those words. So I tell my kids, I hope you have kids that are loving, do not fight, do not back talk, who are kind, obedient, willingly do the chores they have to do with no complaints and respect their parents.....that way, they can not come back and blame me, if they do have kids that turn out just like them.  I wonder if Mary ever said it to Jesus? I have to say I HOPE SO!!! I would like nothing better than to be just like Jesus. In my walk through this thing we call life being just like my Heavenly Father is something I strive to do. I know I will never completely achieve that but, if people see Gods light shining through my life then, I have done oh so good. What about when our kids grow up and become adults? Are they JUST LIKE US? Is that a good thing? Or a not so good thing? Our kids see us and how we live... we are their example and if they see us doing things that should not be done, or having behaviors that are not what God would like, then they may lean in that direction. I for one Do NOT want to be responsible for my kids going in the opposite direction from God. So in my life I need to be just like my "DAD" (the one upstairs) so hopefully when they grow up they will be just like me and I can tell my mom see I did good thanks for the curse. It holds us as parents accountable for our kids. Are we the example that God wants us to be? I really hope so.

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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