Sunday, September 4, 2011

What story does your puzzle tell?

I am sitting here with a cat on my lap, smelling the morning coffee and watching the sun peak through the window thinking....(like that is out of the ordinary) about puzzles. Puzzles? Why puzzles? well I will tell you. I see life like a giant puzzle ever growing and changing. Every persons life is a puzzle that has no end pieces to it.  It starts the moment they are conceived and continues throughout their lives. As they meet new people and they grow so does their puzzle. Each person we meet makes our puzzle go in a new direction connecting over and over again. I am so glad that God can see the entire puzzle because from where I sit it seems like a giant mess. But, God sees it all and I bet the picture is amazing to Him. My point is this, every person we have contact with big, small or otherwise, we make an impression on. When we are out in the world living our lives we leave pieces of ourselves...our puzzle to connect with others. How people see us living our lives may at some point in their life make them stop and think. Now, the kind of piece we leave will determine if it was a good or not so good impression. I personally want to live my life the way God wants me too. I know that as a human my selfishness (yes I said selfishness because that is what it is) can and will take over and my puzzle can get discombobulated. But, God with his gentle guidance (or sometimes a 2X4 to the head) will fix our pieces so they once again fit the way they should. Each life puzzle tells a story and I want mine to be a beautiful story. One of love, kindness, giving, showing Gods Love to others making an everlasting impression on everyone I meet. Our puzzles will always grow and change and with our last breath our final piece will be placed. Then and only then will we get to see the whole puzzle and that will be a fabulous day indeed!

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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