Sunday, July 1, 2012

I am weak but He is strong

I am weak but, He is strong Yes Jesus Loves ME!!!! There are going to be times in our life when the only strength we can depend on is NOT our own. Sometimes...we do not always see it that way, we want to do it ourselves. It reminds me of kids, as they grow and learn they want to do it themselves, they do not want help and sometimes they get so frustrated they throw a fit...remind you of anyone? I see myself in this far to often, and when I get to the point I just want to throw myself on the ground and kick and scream, that is when I am reminded I can and should ask for help. In those times God is there waiting for you...yes I said you, He is waiting for YOU to ask for help but, there are times when He is already there holding you especially through a time so heartbreaking and hard that we just want to collapse and not move. In those times when we may be at our weakest God is the strength of our lives...IF we let Him be. There are no words to express when someone is in that place, love, hugs, tears and prayers and ears will be what work the best I am guessing but, sometimes quiet is all that comes. I listened to Strong Enough by Matthew West this morning some of the words are "I can't do this alone God I need You to hold on to me....". I am thinking that should be the cry of our hearts all the time. How many of us cry out to God in time of need??? How many talk to God on a daily basis? How many cry out to God ONLY when there is a need??? Makes one wonder huh? I have been in all three areas at times in my life I am striving to say Hello God how ya doing? everyday not just when I need something...I am not perfect I do not want to be. I would like some peace once in a while and God will provide that with a lesson or two along the way. As we look forward to this week it should be a celebration but, there is a sadness that lingers I pray God will touch the sad heart and heal the pain inside and bring peace.

Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so, little ones to Him belong we are weak but, He is strong. Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me the Bible tells me so......

That's My Thought For The day,

Crazy for Christmas

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