Thursday, July 19, 2012

Dancing in the rain

I feel like I am slipping...falling uncontrollably. I almost feel like I see life just moving farther from my reach kinda like I am falling into a deep hole, and I see the sky growing distant and all of my dreams and plans just drifting out of my grasp. Maybe it is like I am on a slide and things are just  flying past me so fast I can not hold on to them. I look so desperately for someone to catch me and I do not see anyone so panic and fear take hold. I see good people go through hard times and I have to wonder...WHY? Every person thinks they are good but, what classify's us as good? What in this world makes a person good? The answer? Nothing, nothing in THIS world makes anyone good, God on the other hand that's another story. I am growing increasingly frustrated with things going on in my life all I can do is watch. I have the overwhelming bad mood trying to take over and I cant let that happen...I have heard on the radio the DJ's praying for rain where it is needed. My opinion is EVERYWHERE rain is needed in one form or another, actual rain, Blessings raining down, a raining of provision, a downpour of mercy, a flood of grace and a monsoon of forgiveness. As we face the hurricanes of life and all the emotions that come with it and we DON'T see anyone or a rock to hold on to, there is a hope we can cling to and His name is Jesus. That is what I am going to hold on to because there is nothing better than Him. When the rain starts to fall I don't really mind at all, because it blends with all my tears that come with all my fears but that is ok because, God will dance with me in the rain....

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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