I met a person with a kind soul, they reminded me of someone I used to know...For a moment Imagine a blank canvas, Imagine a tender heart, one full of hope for the future, a future of helping and serving others. A heart so full of compassion it breaks when it hears of suffering and pain. A heart that gives all it has to what it is focused on at the moment. Imagine a heart so full of love it puts itself aside to go to the aid of others. Imagine a heart that soars through the atmosphere when it sees eyes light up with surprise and joy at something unexpected. A heart that would bend over backwards to help someone without expecting anything in return. A heart that does things just to see a smile. Imagine a heart who would drop everything for someone in need. Now, imagine a heart connected to a soul.....The soul brings life to the heart, it brings personality and ideas and together they make a human. A kind soul brings tears, joy, laughter, kindness, compassion, giving and helping to a whole new level. Compassion and goodness flows from a kind soul with a tender heart. The desire to add color to a bleak world, to mold and shape the things around them. To bring peace and comfort to those who suffer, hope to the hopeless, rest for the weary. A kind soul will go the extra mile for someone in need. They give of them self....a kind soul will give so much they begin to drain and get tired. A kind soul will shed tears for those they can not help, a kind soul with a tender heart can break but will keep going until they can not go anymore. A kind soul will give, people will take, like a glass half full eventually it gets emptied. Without anything to refill it the kind soul will fall.......Imagine seeing the broken soul, imagine taking some of what they have given and give it back to them. Start filling them up and watch them blossom once again. Kind souls are like gardens they will give until they can give no more but, without water the garden withers and dies. It takes a special person to have a heart to help with everything in their being, it takes a special person to want to inspire the world around them. Take a careful look around you for the kind souls of this world and see what you can do to help fill them up again. Oh one Last thing before I end maybe one day you can call one friend......
That's My Thought For The Day,
Crazy for Christmas
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