Friday, March 2, 2012

What is your Africa?

Just a note~ what I am going to write about today is not intended to be offensive to anyone but, it just came to me whether it was God or just a good thought to me I am not sure but, you can decide that if you like.

Scott Wesley Brown wrote a song called Please Don't Send Me To Africa I first heard it as a kid and LOVED IT!!!!! there are 3 parts of the song that really stand out to me and they are~
                                               Verse 1
                                     O Lord I am your willing servant
                                      You know that I have been for years
                                 I'm here in this pew every Sunday and Wednesday
                                       I've stained it with many a tear
                                       I've given you years of my service
                                       I've always given my best
                                     And I've never asked you for anything much
                                       So, Lord I deserve this request

                                         Please Don't send me to Africa
                                         I don't think I've got what it takes    
                                         I'm just a man, I'm not a Tarzan
                                         Don't like Lions, Gorillas or Snakes
                                         I'll serve you here in Suburbia
                                         In my comfortable middle class life
                                         But please don't send me out into the Bush
                                         Where the Natives are restless at night
                                                 Verse 2
                                        I'll see that money is gathered
                                           I'll see that money  is sent
                                    I'll wash and stack the communion cups                            
                                           I'll tithe eleven percent
                                         I'll volunteer for the nursery
                                         I'll go on the youth group retreat
                                     I'll usher, I'll deacon, I'll go door to door
                                       Just let me keep warming this seat

How many of us have said to God Please DON'T send me to........What is your Africa? Look at what happened to Jonah he did not want to go to Nineveh he ran and ummmmmm got swallowed by a whale.......what is your whale? where ever we are, where ever we go we are always going to have God there reminding us to GO!!!!! We can drag our feet we can run but, we CAN NOT HIDE!!! We do not deserve to ask God to not send us and we can serve all we want but if it is not what God wants I have the feeling that You will not have a peaceful spirit. When God calls us to serve I do not think it is meant to be comfortable and when we go where He wants us to go, He will be there too. So there should not be fear but, we fear the unknown we always do it is the sinner nature rearing its not so lovely head. I do not like lions, gorillas and i'm afraid of snakes but if God wants me somewhere I had probably get my bahookie moving because I think I am more worried about the whale then the lions, gorillas or snakes. So whatever your Africa is, a friend, co-worker talking to people on the streets or moving to somewhere you do not want to be let it go and let God minister to you because you may just like it or God may just move you somewhere else more comfortable to reward you for your obedience. Now that is the key word  OBEDIENCE what does it mean? According to an online dictionary  Obedience means  ~ compliance with that which is REQUIRED by hmmmm God is our Authority right so maybe we should catch a clue and listen don't ya think?

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas                


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