Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Picking up your pieces!

It has been awhile since I have written anything. I must admit my brain has been blocked from my heart and the words would not come. Actually I am not even sure how this post will come out but here it goes. I follow several pages on FB of kids who are battling cancer, I read of the heartache the parents are going through, I cry when they do and I smile at the happy words they write. My heart just gets ripped out when I read of a child who gains their wings and the pain the family feels. I can not even begin to imagine nor do I wish to know. In reading all of the posts everything I may be going through just pales in comparison. The stress I have is nothing to what they have yet, so many have faith and believe God has a plan and they trust Him through it all, the tears, the anger, the confusion the tossing and turning of the raging storm they are sailing my question to you is this, if a parent losing their child can hold their faith in a loving God, why can't we the average person? We may stress over things like a fight, or a break up or even money. Its NOTHING compared to what they experience yet to most the world is ending.....I am learning this complete trust thing and, it is not easy to do, I want to hide but I can't, I shouldn't, I won't. In the last year I have lost so much  but I have gained more I am learning lessons a long time in coming. I want to encourage all who read this to think twice before you fall apart over things, realize God has His hand on you and will walk with you through it all. Keep in mind you can pick up the pieces of your life and keep going....for the parents who lose a child the pieces will never be completely picked up there will always be some missing.........

That's my thought for the day,

Cray for Christmas

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