Monday, February 18, 2013

Talk to THE HAND!!!!!

Once again I am sitting in the stillness of the morning....sipping my warm coffee listening for sounds of stirring kids and thinking..... contemplating....As a child I was told there was only one sin that was unforgivable according to God. That sin was Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I remember hearing that if you did, you had a one way ticket to the fire and brimstone motel. A motel that had a spa where you can sweat your joys away in an eternal sauna with no hope of refreshment or peace. Unforgivable, never forgiving, sounds kind of scary to me. I remember getting mad at God and yelling at Him and then, thinking I was never going to Heaven because of it, fear and grief just flooded a kid. As a young adult (oh my young adult? what am I now???) I remember when I got mad at God to watch what I said and not say anything that could actually be considered blasphemy. What does blasphemy mean anyway? So glad you asked! In the Merriam Webster online dictionary Blasphemy means this- 1) The act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God. 2) The act of claiming the attributes of deity. 3) irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable. Sounds pretty straight forward but, is it really? My Pastor put it in a great way (I'm paraphrasing here) blasphemy is like when someone puts up their hand in the face of the one talking because, they do not want to hear something that person has to say and says TALK TO THE HAND!!!! When a person says talk to the hand to God or the Holy Spirit, it is blasphemy and unforgivable IF, yes I said IF and its big.....IF they do it until they take their last breath, then there is no turning back. SOOOOOO God is merciful and just and, there is an escape clause to the unforgivable sin. The thing is, you have to want to take it and mean it. What is the "escape clause?" REPENTANCE, take down your hand, let God talk to you. Ask the most forgiving, kind, loving, merciful God to forgive you. Let God work in you He wants to. David a man of power sinned, He looked at a woman, slept with her, got her pregnant and then had her hubby killed to cover it all up yet, God still forgave because, David had a repentant heart. No matter what you have done in your life God is waiting for you. Take Down your defiant hand and take the loving hand of God. Let Him walk with you, talk to you and lead you. Given the choice and we all have been given THE CHOICE, I am gonna say to satan TALK TO THE HAND!!!!! To God I'm gonna say, I'm sorry, forgive me, work with me and make me who YOU want me to be. Yesterday in Church a song started running through my brain by I believe Chris Tomlin.....

                                                     I'm forgiven because you were forsaken,
                                                     I'm accepted, you were condemned
                                                     I'm alive and well, your spirit is within me,
                                                     because you died and rose again.

                                                     Amazing love, how can it be that you, my King,
                                                     should die for me?
                                                     Amazing love, I know it's true.
                                                     It's my joy to honor You, In all I do, I honor You
                                                     You are my King, Jesus You are my King.

It repeats itself but, it gets the point across don't ya think? After all that why would anyone say talk to the hand?

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

Friday, February 8, 2013

Turning the tables....

There is a lot I will handle not always well but, I handle it....when it comes to my kids or kids generally there is not much I will take. The issue of bullying is a real one, one that needs to be addressed. Especially when it comes to the point where the child being bullied takes matters in to their own hands and hurt themselves or worse says goodbye forever. I see with my own kids, my daughter coming home crying because she is being made fun of yet if she tells at school she gets it worse, so she tells me. I want to step in and help but the independent lil thing she is....she wants to fix it herself but, it doesn't always get fixed. As a parent when do I step in? when does mama bear come out and protect her cub? well I guess it all depends on how the child is doing but, the important thing is to LISTEN yes a six letter word that most (and I'm guilty myself) parents don't really do. What ever the reason for being bullied it makes the kid feel inadequate, they feel like they are unwanted, unloved, stupid and many more things. we need to pray for the next generation we need to band together and unite to stop the bullying it may save a life. Bulling is mean and uncalled for, making fun of people is so not cool....Hey Bully's what if it were you?

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Picking up your pieces!

It has been awhile since I have written anything. I must admit my brain has been blocked from my heart and the words would not come. Actually I am not even sure how this post will come out but here it goes. I follow several pages on FB of kids who are battling cancer, I read of the heartache the parents are going through, I cry when they do and I smile at the happy words they write. My heart just gets ripped out when I read of a child who gains their wings and the pain the family feels. I can not even begin to imagine nor do I wish to know. In reading all of the posts everything I may be going through just pales in comparison. The stress I have is nothing to what they have yet, so many have faith and believe God has a plan and they trust Him through it all, the tears, the anger, the confusion the tossing and turning of the raging storm they are sailing my question to you is this, if a parent losing their child can hold their faith in a loving God, why can't we the average person? We may stress over things like a fight, or a break up or even money. Its NOTHING compared to what they experience yet to most the world is ending.....I am learning this complete trust thing and, it is not easy to do, I want to hide but I can't, I shouldn't, I won't. In the last year I have lost so much  but I have gained more I am learning lessons a long time in coming. I want to encourage all who read this to think twice before you fall apart over things, realize God has His hand on you and will walk with you through it all. Keep in mind you can pick up the pieces of your life and keep going....for the parents who lose a child the pieces will never be completely picked up there will always be some missing.........

That's my thought for the day,

Cray for Christmas