Monday, June 18, 2012

I can't but, God can

I often ask why? why this? why that? why is there pain, suffering, hardship, sadness in our world today? I can't answer that, as much as I would love to I can't. I tell my kids all of the time I can't is NOT an option so, if it is not an option, then why can't I? Yes I know it is kind of strangely put but I put it that way so it is okay. Just because I can't does not mean it can't be I said before Kutless says it best "impossible is not a word it is a reason for someone not to try". I am going to guess that as humans there are so many things we can't do but, there is someone who can. In any hard times if we look up we will find who can. I am HUMAN yep that is true and being human I often find myself struggling to want to let go of things I should never have a hold of. Letting go is not my strong suit giving up is not either I have to try and fix things instead of allowing God me it can get you into a lot of trouble. It is a lesson that needs to be learned often times over and over and okay you get it...I think. God created created sadness, hurt, hardship and everything else all because someone listened to the wrong voice. I have also said before we make our own choices I am going to add sometimes those choices are prompted by something that wants things to go upside down and fast. God will never lead us astray, He will always guide us we just have to be willing to go in His direction not our own. I look at my life and I could say oh I am so bad off , my life is not good but, that is one party I refuse to attend because my life in comparison is not so bad after all. I wish there were no sickness, hardship, pain, sadness but there is I can not help it but, God can. He can heal, comfort, provide and cheer up. We have to make the choice to let ourselves go and let Him take over so He can do what needs to be done. It is not easy to do sometimes but, when we fall God will always catch us. I pray for the poor, weary, heavy laden, sick, sad and searching that God will touch you and you can find rest.

That's my thought for the day,

Crazy for Christmas

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